

TV actors give tips on how to lose a girl in 10 days

Movies and books have dedicated many tips on 'how to lose a guy', but ever wondered what it takes to escape the clutches of a girl?
Nobody likes break ups, but sometimes relationships are just not meant to be. So kya aap pareshan hai? Want to end an unhappy relationship? TV’s most happening hunks share tips on how to lose a girl:
Mishkat Varma:
Hit on her best friend. Eat all her food when you are with her. Drop coke on her while watching a movie (winks). Smell bad or crack extremely lame jokes and she herself will bid goodbye to you.
Param Singh:
Cheat on her. Simple.

Shravan Reddy:
Not complimenting her, not noticing her new haircut, and not commenting on her new dress are sure shot ways to lose her. Also, tell her you need space. She would be gone in  a jiffy.
Mohsin Khan:
Start talking about commitment from the first day itself. Discuss about your ex, compliment her sister. But yes, if she is still with you after all this, marry her!
Sahil Salathia:
I would just not watch the movie she wants to, never take her to the restaurant she wants to go to, and give her lesser time than my friends. But why would I be with her if I wanted to leave her anyway! So, only be with the one who completes you, else you would have to do these things.

Sehban Azim:
Hold long conversations with your imaginary friend every time you are alone with her. Trust me, you’d be single soon.
Kanwar Dhillon:
Well, if you want to get rid of a girl, be mean to her and don’t appreciate her in any way. Avoid her calls and messages or blame her for everything that goes wrong in your life.
Siddharth Arora:
Get involved with your girlfriends’ friend.  You will lose the girl in a day. Whoa!
Kapil Arya:
Pretend to be busy when it comes to meeting her, but then post party pictures on social networking sites. Also, talk more about other girls.
source: tellychakkar