

9 ingredients that go into making the Television Baa/Ammaji/Sasuma/Maa!

Television Shows are often tagged as Saas-Bahu dramas. And yes! They are incomplete without the perfect Saas! Not just the Mother-in-laws but also the mothers and grandmothers have an important role in creating the never ending battle with the Bahu. Here are 10 powers that every one of these ladies is bestowed upon!

1.Unsatisfactory MindsetThey are never satisfied with anything unless it is something to do with the success of theirBeta. They are mildly satisfied when their evil plan goes as planned, which is rare!

2 .The power to poke their nose in everything! :Relationship problems, impotency, adoption, money matters and even Business! They have to interfere in everything! Because apparently they are experts in every field and probably have home remedies for all of them!

3. No one can stand up against them: Since they are dictators they have a loyal band of followers. They will oppose everything you plan on doing and the followers will threaten you to follow them or leave the house!

4.A wide range of contacts : They have contacts everywhere! They know doctors, politicians, government officials and even gangsters! In case they need to get someone killed!

5. Dictatorship :Some of these ladies are dictators! Whatever needs to be done will be done as per their wish only.

6. Orthodox thought process :Haayee!!! Apshagun! If at all the diya extinguishes it is definitely a sign of bad luck. Even though the Diya might have run out of oil or maybe someone switched on the fan, Diyaextinguishing is Bad Luck!

7. CCTV vision: They are constantly on a lookout for future son in laws and future Bahus. Family functions are like paradise for them as they have so many options to choose from!

8. Forever negative attitude: For them even the simplest mistake like dropping a teacup is a sin! They will insult and humiliate you at every given chance!

9.  Immortality! :This feature comes in stock with most of these ladies. They never die! Even when the fans are desperately waiting for them to die. They keep becoming more powerful with time

source: tellybuzz